In this article, Dr. Nader Riad analyzes Egypt’s engineering sector and what is needed in order to continue success in growth so that Egypt can complete with the rest of the world. Dr. Riad discusses the positive effects of establishing a strong human resource sector as well as redeveloping the engineering sector to include new areas of study. He also stressed the importance of restructuring schools and universities so that students who are graduating leave with all of the educational tools needed in order to be successful within these industries.(Available in Arabic –German in PDF )
In this article, Dr. Nader Riad, who is a profound engineer in Egypt, discussing Egypt’s engineering sector and the improvements which need to be made in order for Egypt to continue growth within the sector and will be able to compete with the rest of the world. Dr. Riad discusses the positive effects of establishing a strong human resource sector as well as redeveloping the engineering sector to in new areas of study. These new sectors include: Economic Engineering, Administrative Engineering, and Innovative Engineering. He also goes on to speak about the restructuring that is needed in order to sustain the development of the industry within Egypt. Many sectors have to be reinforced with well trained labor workers in order for growth to be established, and so that Egypt can compete with the international industries.