Al-Ahram Newspaper 2008/FEBRUARY /18
Al-Ahram Newspaper 2008/FEBRUARY /19

Dr. Nader Riad, a businessman and an expert in fire extinguishing, talks about fires in Egypt’s factories. He touches on fire extinguishing devices in factories, the hazardous elements that may cause a fire, the legislation currently in place in Egypt and across the world, and what should be done to strengthen this legislation and let companies comply apply anti-fire measures. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
Dr. Nader Riad is a businessman and an expert in fire extinguishing, and talks about the risks of fires in Egypt’s industrial cities and the ways insurance can mitigate the losses they cause. He briefly explains the hazards that may start a fire inside factories. In this regard, fire extinguishing devices are fundamental, yet they may not always be suitable to put out the flames according to the characteristics of the fire. As for the legal part of this issue, he mentions the fire code, which in Egypt was applied just a few years ago, some decades after many countries in the world first enforced it. Finally, he underlines the role of insurance in paying for the damage caused by fires and in forcing factories to put in place the necessary measures to avoid such disasters. He also touches on the ways to strengthen control on companies to make sure they fully adopt anti-fire measures.

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