Alam Akemaweat Magazien 2008/APRIL /15
Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2008/MAY /24
Fires can cause huge losses. To prevent them, it is necessary to implement an effective fire code. Dr. Nader Riad calls for imposing such code in all factories in Egypt. He also explains the different phases of fighting a fire, and mentions the different extinguishing tools needed in every phase. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Fire codes consist in a series of rules and tools to bring fires under control. Dr. Nader Riad calls for making such codes compulsory for all Egyptian factories. He mentions a couple of measures to force factories to comply with such obligation, and talks about the importance of this code to save lives and properties. He then explains how a fire can start and how it can evolve according to the conditions in which it breaks out. He also mentions the most suitable actions to fight the flames, the most serious difficulties facing firefighters, and the most useful extinguishing tools to use.