Al-Ahram Newspaper 2008/MAY /26
In a study, Dr. Nader Riad speaks about the importance of safety regulations and insurances for factories and indeed for the services and industrial sectors. It illustrates the shortcomings in this regard and puts forward his recommendations to strengthen the role of the Alliance of Insurance Companies (AIC) in this sense. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
In a study, Dr. Nader Riad highlights the importance of safety measures in all industries, buildings and indeed activities in the services and industrial sectors. He illustrates ways to fight fires, deal with hazardous materials and help the injured – should any accident happen – while minimizing costs. He also puts forwards his ideas to boost the role of the Alliance of Insurance Companies (AIC) in issuing insurances, carrying out tests on buildings and equipments, issuing licenses, and regulating insurances on transport activities.