Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2002/MARCH /18

Director of the modernization program restates that the modernization process will not bring about better performance or raise competitive ability unless industry itself does that. He adds, that the program will help industrial establishments find a constant vehicle within the factories, to self develop without need for specialized programs. The center is currently modernizing 65 establishments and currently presents services in the field of strategic marketing. It provides training and information to raise the level of technical and managerial performance. Chairman of he Federation of Egyptian Industries added that while drafting the modernization program great care was devoted to making it flexible in response to the needs of industry adding that the Federation has surveyed the available financial routes for the industrial sector, provided by aid agencies . ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )

Director of the modernization program restates that the modernization process will not bring about better performance or raise competitive ability unless industry itself does that. He adds, that the program will help industrial establishments find a constant vehicle within the factories, to self develop without need for specialized programs. The center is currently modernizing 65 establishments and currently presents services in the field of strategic marketing. It provides training and information to raise the level of technical and managerial performance. Chairman of he Federation of Egyptian Industries added that while drafting the modernization program great care was devoted to making it flexible in response to the needs of industry adding that the Federation has surveyed the available financial routes for the industrial sector, provided by aid agencies. Dr. Nader Riad focuses on the use of quality standards in the modernization process since it plays an important role in developing Egyptian industry and is considered a good tool for qualifying and dealing with export markets. He calls for the application of legal penalties to any violation of quality standards or fraud and the full implementation of copyright laws.

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