Regal Alamal Magazine 2005/AUGUST /04

The first meeting of the FEI Research, Development and Technology Transfer Committee witnessed the address of the Chairman Dr. Nader Riad in relation to the main aims of the committee, and the various necessities required for Egyptian industry development. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The first meeting of the Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI) Research, Development and Technology Transfer Committee witnessed the address of the Chairman Dr. Nader Riad. Dr. Riad’s introductory address outlined the main aims of the committee; such includes the following: assess the requirements of the industry in terms of scientific research; bridge the gap between scientific research institutions and research and development centers; adapting the industry in accordance with all industrial needs. Furthermore, he continues by emphasizing the importance of enhancing quality, and thus enhancing the standard specification systems to an international level; such paves they way for potential exportation opportunities. Dr. el-Nazer has his say by praising the FEI, emphasizing that it is the first initiative to link scientific research to industry.

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