Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2007/JUNE /16
The article talks about the elections that will take place in June for 16 industrial chambers. It explains that the minister of trade and industry appoints 5 members in each chamber, including the chairman and two deputies, which some businessmen object to. It also says that the law of the Federation of Egyptian Industries should be canceled, as it was issued in the 50’s during the socialist era. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The article talks about the elections that will take place in June for 16 industrial chambers. It explains that the minister of trade and industry appoints 5 members in each chamber, including the chairman and two deputies. Some businessmen object to this, while others are confident that the appointed persons are experienced in their respective fields and are able to help the industry. It also reflects the views of some businessmen as regards the law of the Federation of Egyptian Industries, calling for its cancellation, as it was issued in the 50’s during the socialist era.