Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 1996/SEPTEMBER/05

Experts are calling for new efforts to regulate the market and protect it from foreign poor-quality products without rejecting the principles of market liberalization. As many poor quality foreign products are dumped in the Egyptian market due to the lack of adequate controls, steps should be taken to improve these controls and, at the same time, increase Egyptian standard specifications. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Experts are calling for new efforts to regulate the market and protect it from foreign poor-quality products without rejecting the principles of market liberalization. Foreign products are dumped into the Egyptian market and can easily circulate among consumers due to the lack of adequate controls and examinations. Dr. Nader Riad calls for carrying out tests similar to those implemented on any product exported to the US or the EU, for example. Egypt should improve its standard specifications and bring them closer to those applied abroad. It is believed that this will prompt local producers to increase the quality of their products, too, even if this would mean higher production costs.

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