Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2007/JULY /13
Al-Ahram Newspaper 2007/JULY /14
Al – Fager Newspaper 2007/JULY /16
Rozelyosf Newspaper 2007/JULY /14
Alam Al-Mal Newspaper 2007/JULY /15
The article talks about a symposium organized by the Ministry of Trade and Industry for 14 Arab countries to discuss the benefits of joining the Madrid Protocol for International Registration of Marks. Dr. Nader Riad, the head of the Arab Union for the Protection of Intellectual Property, which is affiliated to the ministry, stressed the importance of Arab cooperation with international organizations to preserve intellectual property rights in the Arab world. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The article talks about a symposium organized by the Ministry of Trade and Industry for 14 Arab countries to discuss the benefits of joining the Madrid Protocol for International Registration of Marks. Dr. Nader Riad, the head of the Arab Union for the Protection of Intellectual Property, which is affiliated to the ministry, stressed the importance of Arab cooperation and how to benefit from and keep pace with international organizations to preserve intellectual property rights in the Arab world. He then granted all delegates an honorary membership to the union.