Al-Gomhoria Newspaper 2005/JULY /28
Al-Ahram Newspaper 2005/JULY /28
The Board of Trustees of the Technological Faculty in Matareya held its first meeting, headed by engineer Dr. Nader Riad. It was also attended by Dr. Mohamed Al Kamel Al Saeed, Chairman of the Egyptian Technological Faculties Project, along with businessmen and chairmen of technical institutes who are members of the Board. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The Board of Trustees of the Technological Faculty in Matareya held its first meeting, headed by engineer Dr. Nader Riad. It was also attended by Dr. Mohamed Al Kamel Al Saeed, Chairman of the Egyptian Technological Faculties Project, along with businessmen and chairmen of technical institutes who are members of the Board. In his opening speech, Engineer Dr. Nader Riad affirmed that the main objective of the Board is to develop programs and syllabuses in the affiliated institutes to qualify the students to enter the job market.