Al-Ahram Newspaper 1995/JANUARY /08
Dr. Nader explains what Egyptian industry mostly needs to keep abreast of the current global technological revolution. He particularly highlights, among other things, the importance of providing financial facilitation to Egyptian industries and stepping up the country’s technological level. He also points out other measures that would allow Egypt to stand on an equal footing with some global economic superpowers. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The world is witnessing an all-out technological revolution. Egypt cannot remain aloof; its industries must keep abreast of all the major changes occurring worldwide so that Egyptian products can stand on an equal footing with their foreign competitors. As pointed out by Dr. Nader Riad, Egypt has still some way to go before achieving this goal. More facilitation (such as more tax cuts and lower customs duties) should be provided to the Egyptian industries, technology transfer and Egyptians’ creativity should be boosted, and small industries should play a more significant role in contributing to Egypt’s industrial renaissance. It is also important that Egypt adopts its own standard specifications and has them endorsed by important foreign actors, such as the EU and the US.