Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 1998/FEBRUARY /21
Egypt lags behind many countries in terms of technological output. Some Egyptian industrialists ascribe this to the scarce attention paid to technology in this African country. They believe that technological education should be boosted and that financial incentives and facilitations should be provided to newly-established industries and enterprises. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Egypt lags behind many countries in terms of technological output. Its exports mainly rely on agriculture and raw materials, yet eventually they do not prove to be very profitable. Dr. Nader Riad and other Egyptian industrialists believe technology is not paid enough attention to. Technical and technological education should be boosted since childhood, so that a new generation of Egyptians familiar with modern technology is formed. A technological center to boost this kind of education should be set up. Some financial incentives and facilitations could also be provided to Egypt’s technological industries and enterprises, especially in the first years after their establishment.