Al-Ahram Newspaper 1999/MAY /01

President Mubarak gave a speech on Labor Day that addressed many issues facing Egyptians exports. He pointed out that Egypt is competing with foreign products that are sold at cheaper prices. New procedures are being implemented that will make Egyptian products more competitive in the global marketplace and bring Egyptian exports to a level that matches the amount of foreign imports being brought into the country. Egyptian businesses are requested to restructure their policies on manufacturing and exports. They are also being asked to cooperate with one another in order to maximize the amount of exports.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
President Mubarak gave a speech on Labor Day that addressed many issues facing Egyptians exports. He pointed out that Egypt is competing with foreign products that are sold at cheaper prices. New procedures are being implemented that will make Egyptian products more competitive in the global marketplace and bring Egyptian exports to a level that matches the amount of foreign imports being brought into the country. Egyptian businesses are requested to restructure their policies on manufacturing and exports. They are also being asked to cooperate with one another in order to maximize the amount of exports.

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