Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2007/JULY /07
There can be no development without safety for the labor force. Workers themselves, though, have to be made aware of the importance of safety in the workplace. There are some standard specifications to be met. Yet, some people do not care about safety and even defrauds by selling fake safety products. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The Head of the Arab Union for the Protection of Intellectual Property, Dr. Nader Riad, said there can be no development without safety in the workplace. Trained workers are the main element in the development process. They have to be protected from accidents and injuries and also made aware of the importance of safety, as they may not be. There are certain standard specifications and methods to be adopted in terms of safety and they cannot be ignored. Yet, some people do not care about human safety and indeed do not hesitate to defraud by offering fake safety products.