Al-Ahram Al-Ektsady Magazine 2007/NOVEMBER /19
Al-Ahram Newspaper 2007/NOVEMBER /19
Al-Watany Al-Yum Newspaper 2007/NOVEMBER /20
Al-Ahram Al-Massaee Newspaper 2007/NOVEMBER /20
Al-Ahaly Newspaper 2007/NOVEMBER /21
Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2007/NOVEMBER /24

A meeting chaired by Dr. Nader Riad witnessed the in depth discussion into the future of clean energy and the implementations of the nuclear program. Renewable energy is now deemed a necessity in the wake of world changes. In addition, the German experience has been taken into consideration. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The Committee of Industry and Energy of the Egyptian Businessmen’s Association held its first meeting to discuss the future of clean energy and the implementations of the nuclear program. In current times, renewable sources of energy are now deemed a necessity, whereby Egypt is urged to join the group of countries utilizing such sources. Germany is currently the most advanced in the field of energy generated from the sun, and thus the attendees of the meeting assert the necessity to review Germany’s experience to gain its benefit for Egypt. Furthermore, the attendees discussed all potential sources of energy, along with the implementations of the nuclear program, particularly the disposal of nuclear waste and the location of the nuclear station. In addition, the formation of the Committee’s Executive Office has been achieved.

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