Al-Ahram Al-Ektsady Magazine 2003/JULY /28
Participants in Small and Medium Enterprises Exports Development Seminar warned against risks of monopoly of one of the company’s to register data on the goods which these enterprises produce, asking why the system is NOT under the supervision of the Ministry or the supervision of Commercial Chambers Association.(Available in Arabic –German in PDF)
Participants in Small and Medium Enterprises Exports Development Seminar warned against the high interest price of loans which is offered by development social fund for such enterprises hinder them from production as well as marketing and exportation. for the necessity of the execution of the prime minister’s resolution to allocate 10% of the government purchases to the small and medium enterprises along with setting limited mechanisms to guarantee the execution of the resolution, the claimed for the amendment of the role of offices of commercial representation for providence of export options of small enterprises. They discussed for the necessity of the execution of the prime minister’s resolution to allocate 10% of the government purchases to the small and medium enterprises along with setting limited mechanisms to guarantee the execution of the resolution, the claimed for the amendment of the role of offices of commercial representation for providence of export options of small enterprises. Some of the participants in the seminar discussed the problem of the international Bar code in a way that data are registered on the goods throughout marks, a matter that has become obligatory and a basic condition not only for exportation, but also for local marketing, and they said that such system is manipulated by a private sector company only, which increases costs.