Al-Ahram Al-Ektsady Magazine 2004/FEBRUARY /09

The Industry and Energy Committee of the People’s Assembly, lead by Dr. Amin Mubarak, discussed the Ministry of Industry’s policy in the future, in light of the industry modernization program financed by the European bloc. At the beginning of the discussion Ali al-Saidi, Minister of Industry, said “the industry in Egypt has grown thanks to small and medium-sized industries. It is a business cluster that ultimately serves the major industry.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The Industry and Energy Committee of the People’s Assembly, lead by Dr. Amin Mubarak, discussed the Ministry of Industry’s policy in the future, in light of the industry modernization program financed by the European bloc. At the beginning of the discussion Ali al-Saidi, Minister of Industry, said “the industry in Egypt has grown thanks to small and medium-sized industries. It is a business cluster that ultimately serves the major industry. Engineer Ismail Hilal said: “The technical workforce does not meet the requirements of the industrial production. The graduate of intermediate or high technical education is below the international average. We must re-concentrate on vocational training to give the technical workforce necessary for industry because it is the bedrock of progress in Egypt.”

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