Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2004/APRIL /28

Two estimations reviewed by the German Arab Chamber of Industry and Commerce (GACIC) describe the current situation of the Egyptian economy. One of them shows it has not grown as fast as it could, while the other predicts it will get out of recession next year. Meanwhile, the GACIC has elected its new board of directors. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Egypt’s economy was the object of two estimations reviewed by the German Arab Chamber of Industry and Commerce (GACIC). One was made by NDP member Mahmoud Mohieldin. He said that the previous government had tried – but failed – to achieve a 7% growth rate in order to raise standards of living. He also affirmed that the Egyptian economy was not growing as fast as it could. The other estimation was carried out by a German who predicts Egypt will get out of recession next year. He also describes a current boom in some of Egypt’s economic fields. Meanwhile, the GACIC has elected its new board of directors. Among its members are the directors of some relevant Egyptian firms.

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