Al-Ahram Newspaper 2005/MAY /14
October Magazine 2005/MAY /21
October Magazine 2005/JULY /30

Egypt will host a conference on German technology next October. It will be attended by many representatives of high-tech German companies, and will aim to boost economic cooperation between the two countries with an eye to increasing the transfer of German technology to Egypt.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
Cairo will host a conference on German technology next October. It will be attended by many representatives of high-tech German companies, and will aim to boost economic cooperation between the two countries with an eye to increasing the transfer of German technology to Egypt. This event coincides with a plan of the Egyptian government to modernize the Egyptian industry and to attract technology from abroad in order to make Egyptian industries and products more competitive, both locally and internationally. Germany is renowned worldwide for its technological level, and Egypt’s imports from there are expected to rise by the end of 2005.

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