Al-Gomhoria Newspaper 2005/JUNE /19

An Arab German economic forum was attended by important personalities from both countries. It was an important occasion to strengthen the ties between the two countries, and to guarantee the importance of reforms to create an even better business and economic environment. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
An Arab German economic forum was attended by important personalities from both countries. It was an important occasion to strengthen the ties between the two countries, and to guarantee the importance of reforms to create an even better business and economic environment. The German side praised the performance of the new Egyptian government, as demonstrated – among other things – by the increasing trade relations between Berlin and Cairo. Egypt and the other Arab countries still have important challenges to face, though, starting with terrorism and unemployment. Some see part of the solution in economic integration in the Arab world. Yet, Cairo also longs for stronger ties with the EU, and the Egyptian European Partnership Agreement is a step in this direction. Thanks to this agreement, Egyptian products are finding it easier to get access to the European markets.

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