Rozelyosf Newspaper 2006/OCTOBER /19

A business Ramadan iftar (fast-breaking meal) was held in Alexandria among Egyptian and European businessmen as well as political personalities. They discussed ways to boost European investments into Egypt and achieve development. More meetings between the Egyptian and the German business communities are scheduled for next year to promote cooperation and create more job opportunities. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
A business Ramadan iftar (fast-breaking meal) was held in Alexandria among Egyptian and European businessmen as well as political personalities. They discussed ways to boost European investments into Egypt and achieve development, while Alexandria Governorate pledged its support in this regard. A major actor in this process is the Confederation of Egyptian-European Business Associations (CEEBA). According to its new chairman, Dr. Nader Riad, the Confederation is going to hold several meetings with European businessmen next year to attract more investments and create more job opportunities. Dr. Riad also talked about the aims and the future of the CEEBA.

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