Rozelyosf Magazine 2006/OCTOBER /28
Al – Fager Newspaper 2006/OCTOBER /23
Al-Shark Al-Awsat Newspaper 2006/OCTOBER /20

A Ramadan iftar (fast-breaking meal) was held in Alexandria to discuss ways to boost economic ties and exchange between Europe and Egypt. In this regard, more meetings are scheduled for next year between the two parties, and a major role will be played by the Confederation of Egyptian-European Business Associations (CEEBA). ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
A Ramadan iftar (fast-breaking meal) was held in Alexandria to discuss the role of the Confederation of Egyptian-European Business Associations (CEEBA) in attracting European investments and technology to Egypt. In this regard, plenty of meetings and occasions are scheduled next year between Egyptian and European businessmen and representatives. The main focus will be on developing exports, consolidating tourism, creating job opportunities, boosting Egyptian exports to Europe, protecting the environment, developing manpower, and preparing for the Euromed Free Zone, also thanks to the support pledged by the Governorate of Alexandria.

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