Al-Ahram Newspaper 2006/NOVEMBER /23
Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2006/NOVEMBER /23
Rozelyosf Newspaper 2006/NOVEMBER /23
Al-Ahram Al-Massaee Newspaper 2006/NOVEMBER /23
Al-Ahram Newspaper 2006/NOVEMBER /28
Various commissioners, organizations and ministers lock heads to devise radical solutions in an attempt to remove the obstacles currently faced by the Egyptian export. In addition to this, discussions concerning exports trade with the European Union have also been a hot topic on many agendas. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Many possible solutions and development plans have been laid out on the table. It is now time for these talks to become a reality; through the cooperation of all related parties. In an attempt to address the current obstacles faced by the Egyptian export, an Egyptian-European seminar will be held next Sunday. Meanwhile, Dr. Alla Ezz, Secretary General of the Federation of Egypt-Europe Business Organizations, has held a number of meetings with various European commissioners all with their own agenda: health related, opportunities for cooperation between companies, and development of agriculture exports.