Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2003/MARCH /15

While many conflicting opinions are being debated about floating exchange rates, a new vision by Dr. Nader Riad is on our page today. Dr. Riad is the Counselor of the People’s Assembly Industry Committee and Chairman of the Bavaria Group. In this article he tackles the issue of floating exchange rates as a double edged equation. Dr. Nader Riad confirms that some people might be wrong when they speak about floating the exchange rate without looking at the other end of the equation. The equation is not balanced, and in many instances, leads to a zone that stands outside everyone’s specialization and is not subject to inspection. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
While many conflicting opinions are being debated about floating exchange rates, a new vision by Dr. Nader Riad is on our page today. Dr. Riad is the Counselor of the People’s Assembly Industry Committee and Chairman of the Bavaria Group. In this article he tackles the issue of floating exchange rates as a double edged equation. Dr. Nader Riad confirms that some people might be wrong when they speak about floating the exchange rate without looking at the other end of the equation. The equation is not balanced, and in many instances, leads to a zone that stands outside everyone’s specialization and is not subject to inspection. Dr. Raid stated that he belongs to the majority who prefer an analytical study, who are not prejudiced and who work on both sides of the equation in a balanced manner. From the point of view of financing, especially in regards to small and medium industries, and the affects of fluctuating the prices of foreign currencies is bound to create a shortage or corruption of working capital. This is with regards to its importing efficiency and ability to handle components and inputs in case of price increase.

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