Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2005/JUNE /18
In this article, Dr. Nader Riad, Counselor of the Peoples Assembly Industrial Committee, recently discussed 14 significant points underlying the improvements of investments within Egypt. Dr. Riad referred to several decrees which have recently been created or revised to help boost the industries. And he made an emphasis on the importance for redeveloping the school system to help create better workers for such industries.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
In this article, Dr. Nader Riad, Counselor of the Peoples Assembly Industrial Committee, recently discussed 14 significant points underlying the improvements of investments within Egypt. Dr. Riad referred to several decrees which have recently been created or revised to help boost the industries. And he made an emphasis on the importance for redeveloping the school system to help create better workers for such industries. Dr. Riad also pointed out the importance of establishing trade zones with Europe and the Mediterranean countries to increase trade flow and develop industries in Egypt. These implementations will unify the region and promote success.