Al-Ahram Newspaper 2005/JANUARY /12
Al-Handasia Magazine 2005/MARCH /17
There has been much talk recently about the three-party agreement between Egypt, Israel and the United States, known as the “Quiz”. With all the due respect and appreciation to all the hopes on one side and reservations on the other expressed regarding this agreement, it is a fact that the Quiz is a cooperation agreement that allows privileges that constitute an additional competitive advantage to Egyptian exports. ( Available in Arabic )
There has been much talk recently about the three-party agreement between Egypt, Israel and the United States, known as the “Quiz”. With all the due respect and appreciation to all the hopes on one side and reservations on the other expressed regarding this agreement, it is a fact that the Quiz is a cooperation agreement that allows privileges that constitute an additional competitive advantage to Egyptian exports, and thus it would not mean at any case any form of an abiding or committing an agreement. This means that those who wish to make use of this agreement have the opportunity to do so and the gate will be wide open for them without any sort of obligation or commitment. Still, this agreement would not represent at any level any sort of taking lightly or submission to any of our national stable positions.