Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2005/OCTOBER /05

The German elections that took place in September to determine the winning party and thus the new chancellor has been different this time as the Democratic Christian Party headed by Angela Merkle won with a very slight majority that does not exceed 3% than its competitor. ( Availble in Arabic )
The German elections that took place in September to determine the winning party and thus the new chancellor has been different this time as the Democratic Christian Party headed by Angela Merkle won with a very slight majority that does not exceed 3% than its competitor. This has opened a new phase in power struggle between the two parties in Germany. Each party attempted to build a coalition with another party or more than one of the small ones that competed in order to ensure a comfortable majority in the German Bundestag (parliament) to facilitate setting its policies and approving them as well as issuing legislations and regulations to implement such policies.

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