Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2005/NOVEMBER /25
Human activities have caused environmental problems that threaten the human being’s existence. In Egypt, Environmental conservation is hindered by the lack of resources and an enforcing mechanism. Third World countries need to develop while conserving the environment which requires the help of advanced countries to provide financial support.( Available in Arabic )
Human activities have caused environmental problems that have ruined the quality of life on Earth threatening the human being’s existence. In Egypt, Environmental conservation activities were crowned by the establishment of the Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs; leading to the spread of environment-oriented civil society organizations, but the lack of an enforcing mechanism undermines their efforts. Moreover, Egypt sought to address problems related to the Nile, despite the lack of resources. Third World countries need to become producers to survive and taking environmental conservation into account during this process of transformation means this will be costly requiring the aid of advanced countries.