Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2006/MAY /29
Dr. Nader Riad speaks of the advantages of speeding up with the privatization process in Egypt. He touches upon issues of banking systems to fund privatization, installing worker-related jobs and training programs, and evading the negative impacts of “unspecialized” press intervention. ( Available in Arabic )
Privatization is going international because many countries of the world have realized that encouraging individuals to carry out investments is more beneficial than making of the country the sole major investor. According to Dr. Nader Riad, speeding up with the process of privatization spare the country ample loss. He discusses workers’ issues of opening up job opportunities, allowing for early retirement and enhancing their terms of payment through installing training programs to improve their skills. He also tackles the perspective of prospected buyers and explained the interest of individual investors that is closely related to the interest of consumers and the country itself. Finally, he mentioned the German experience of banking structures that fund privatization.