Al-Ahram Newspaper 2008/NOVEMBER /09
Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2008/OCTOBER /14
The article shows a number of priorities that should be addressed in social development economic summit which is decided to be held in January next year in Kuwait, we mention some of them as follows: Speeding up in applying necessary resolutions and rules to activate common Arab market – integration of associations in different Arab countries to achieve what’s called “harmonization” – accomplishment of consistency and harmonization among different acts.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The article pointed to that as we are on the edge to the step of a social development economic summit conference; there is a question that imposes itself, from where we start? What are axes of constructive labor that assembles and never separates…greatens and never blows and that comes with a labor program around which all parties are assembled in a positive labor regime? What is the schedule which if is posed would provide a consistent pattern and a field of work? The article emphasized the necessity to work for removal of the problem of sponsor or commitment to a local partner before Arab projects – Avoiding double taxation among Arab multinational projects – Activation of intellectual property protection regime to prevent Arab minds and inventions from robbery, what forms an attractive factor for investments in the region. It pointed to the importance of the role of live mass media in polarization of Arab man to the new frame we aim at by describing him as a tool of development and at the main time, he is the aim of this development via remarking success stories of Arab achievements on the standard of individuals and associations.