Al-Ahram Newspaper 2009/APRIL /15
Al-Watany Al-Yum Newspaper 2009/JULY /21
Dr. Nader Riad clarified in his article in the title, “The one who cheats us is not one of us” that the government in what it announces in every ceremony to overcome corruption and corruptors, it meant by that the fact that the matter no more settles with the logic of events locally and globally that the industry of cheating, fraud and ghosting at a time intellectual property are honored as well as author’s rights and performance ones besides protective laws are passed for this purpose. The article showed a number of fraud aspects in different industries emphasizing that societies and countries never grow or flourish on the basis of cheat and crime, however they are established upon science, work, grace and law respect. .(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The article pointed to what contributes to the government’s trend to overcome corrupt and corrupted is whatever the daily journals read in respect of cases of seize of what was agreed to be called in name “industries of stairwell” and from a practical applicatory aspect, spread of the hazard of such industries wouldn’t have been vastly spread in such a form if there have been a stressed control on garbage’s outputs from packages of different goods. The article clarified that along the increase of seize cases of cheated goods, however, we find we find from time to time raised voices for defending cheat and cheaters industry calling for one cause or another like providing a lower priced substitute or that the standardized specifications aren’t necessary for each good along with disregard of the aspect of security and its vast extension in commitment ignoring enormity of the problem’s volume and the urgent need to reduce it after hazards have been spread from it as well as activation of government laws that ruling the regime. The article expected from every craftsman, labor or employee that he should employ his work among the integrative industrial regime to take his place in it whether as a feeding industry or an integrative one where he gets proud to put his name upon it in order to reach after a specific period whether short or lengthy to a place the he finds attending for him among refined industry men to be a source of pride and honor for his children who complete his march after him.