Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2014/DECEMBER /23

The article highlights the most important events Egypt witnessed during 2014: the most important of them are Egypt’s strong return to the international and local arena, boosting the patriotism and strongly sustain its success to achieve the most two prominent entitlements which are constitution adoption and conducting presidential elections. This stresses the confidence of roadmap which is swiftly moving towards the full achievement and many of national projects which came into force while maintaining specific timetable, on the top of which is the new Suez Canal around which all Egyptian were gathered by contributing through collecting 64 billion Egyptian Pound in one week. It was collected from all classes in an epic praised by IMF and Bloomberg Foundation as an unprecedented phenomenon. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The article summarized some of expected ambitions during 2015 as follows: 1- Inauguration of new Suez Canal and consequently, developing the Suez Canal axis and starting many of industrial and mining projects. 2- Hold the international economic conference in Sharm El-Sheikh and attracting more local and foreign investments which will be an economic leap restoring stability to Egypt’s economy. 3- Crowning the roadmap set by the Egyptians on past July 3, by conducting parliamentary elections and starting new phase of political stability. 4- Commencement of carrying out the national project to convert Egypt into global logistics center of grains and yields in New Damietta Port which makes Egypt large international axis for circulating, storing and trading of grains and food commodities. 5- Executing the electrical interconnection project between Egypt and Saudi Arabia and to involve coal in energy-intensive industries such as cement, fertilizers and steel which hopefully end the energy

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