Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2014/JUNE /01
Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2014/MAY /25
Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2014/MAY /18
Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2014/MAY /11
Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2014/MAY /05

Under the title “Fifth Republic Planning”, Al-Akhbar published the article of Dr. Nader Riad over five parts. The article addressed the Egyptian affairs in the past since the First Republic leaded by Abdel Nasser to the fifth republic of today. The article addressed ten factors, which the industrial society requires to regain the Egyptian industries competitiveness. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The article has highlighted the importance of fulfilling the Egyptian Industries competitiveness within the local and global markets as soon as possible in order to regain the emerging economic path that was affected by the events of 2011 subsequently. The article addressed ten important factors that the experts see to have the first priorities important for the Egyptian industry to pass the current stage in order to reach a start point to achieve the national ambitions: -Demand the subsequent government to set a master plan for applicable economic trends during this stage, including the future plans for each current or future ministry. –Provide different electric, liquid and gas energy resources for prices that cope with the global prevailing average prices within the industry. –Reconsider any additional taxes or fees until the current stage is complete. –Commitment by the government to grant preferential advantages for the Egyptian industries in terms of the governmental purchase according to the law. –Monitor the market and inspect the local and imported goods and products quality. –Proper management of assets frozen within the private suspended or liquidated factories. –Tackle strongly and strictly the fierce illegal competition against the Egyptian industries. –Intervention in banking to study the factories in default. -Proper management of loans and grants availed by foreign states as required. –Demand Ministry of Industry and Foreign Trade to set a registration for national industrial and small industries.

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