Al-Akhbar Newspaper 1995/JUNE /04

The Federal Republic of Germany occupies a prominent economical position due to Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s great historic vision and ability to manage economics. His greatest victory was the reunification of East and West Germany. This meeting is welcomed by Egypt and Egyptians are waiting for the positive results and wishing for more openness between Egyptian-German relationships.( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Egypt hosted Chancellor Helmut Kohl for his second visit. His popularity is widespread throughout the world. His greatest victory was the reunification of East and West Germany and was accomplished by peaceful and civilized methods with not a single drop of blood shed. In comparison, other regions relied on the means of war, violence and bloodshed to attempt separation or reunification. Great men were credited with guiding history with their decisions. Bismarck reunified and extended Germany. Chancellor Adenauer gathered Germany from the debris and regained the willingness of the German people. Chancellor Kohl reunified Germany and removed the negative effects caused by World War II. Egypt welcomes this top-level meeting and is waiting for positive results and wishing for more openness and prosperity between the Egyptian-German relationships.

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