Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2002/OCTOBER /03
12 years after its reunification, Germany is a global superpower. Its internal stability and sense of unity are matched with its prominence at the global level. The German government has been working relentlessly to improve the already good services provided to its people. At the international level, it has been working hard to promote intercultural dialogue and mutual comprehension.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Germany plays a prominent role in the EU and indeed at the global level. It has also been enjoying years of internal stability after its reunification, also thanks to a strong sense of unity between the west and the east of the country. Germany has an excellent administrative system, yet a program has been adopted to develop it even more. It mainly aims to put all public services online in order to make it quicker and less expensive to have the service you want. This program eventually aims at creating the so-called enabling state; it is a state capable of regulating itself, with the central government providing the necessary legal framework. In this regard, the Transparency Code has been enacted and a book has been published on the ethics of success. Another issue drawing the government’s attention is the immigration and nationality bill. It aims to regulate immigration by linking it to the needs of the industry and the labor market, while trying to integrate immigrants into the German society. The German government has also been trying to boost intercultural dialogue and to strengthen its ties with the Middle East. Germany is indeed an important, trustworthy economic player in the Arab world.