Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2004/SEPTEMBER/16
Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2011/APRIL /30

In the past professors taught that self-sufficiency and industrial integration were the passwords of industrial growth. This led companies into buying feeding industries and providing self-service within their firms. The standard of services was not maintained with the passage of time. Several industrial companies have realized that industrial self-sufficiency is not the best solution and they have begun to rely on the industrial services market to get workers for internal and external cleanliness, machine maintenance, car care, food supply, security and trash removal.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
Companies, in the past, were buying feeding industries for better self-sufficiency and industrial integration while others were providing self-service for cleanliness, security and trash removal. These services were not able to maintain the same standard with the passage of time and placed extra burdens on the company such as increasing wages, medical coverage and social insurance. The industrial services market is the same as any other open market where competitors work hard to provide quality service at a good price and commit themselves to making services available. If a company is dissatisfied, workers can be replaced. Several companies have realized this situation and now rely on outside suppliers to get workers for internal and external cleanliness, machine maintenance, car care, food supply, security and trash removal.

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