Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2007/JULY /16
Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2009/JUNE /25

Great Queen Hatshepsut paid an exciting and astonishing visit to Nubia with 42 peaceful ships. In this visit she brought strange things. All the ships were loaded with trees and plants. A scrutinizing analysis of this incident, one may learn two lessons from this behavioral method adopted by this Queen. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Queen Hatshepsut managed to avoid the negative effect of wars on the environment and to make use of the positive effect of continued peace over centuries on the basis of full citizenship and participation in national action without discrimination because of color, race, origin or orientation. By so doing, a balanced equal relation continued for years without any tensions between the parties of this relation, the Egyptians and the Nubians, who have become the sons of the same nation, thanks to Queen Hatshepsut. She showed keenness on the environment, agriculture, livestock, man, dignity, health, individual happiness and quality of living standards in the homeland. All these aspects are inseparable in an integrated environmental system – that is to say the presence of every one of these aspects has definitely a positive effect on the environment and the absence of it has a negative effect.

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