Al-Masry Al-Youm Newspaper 2011/OCTOBER /15
In his article “Avoiding the Egyptian Economy Driving out of Development Train”, Dr. Nader Riad showed that there are similar features between the characteristics of the state and industrial institution and the individual; that is “the rich becomes richer and the poor poorer”. He referred that states’ economic experts and industrial economy specialists are interested in studying this phenomenon and they highlighted that this phenomenon is due to virtuous circles and its opposite vicious circles. The Article assured that the strong economy is able to satisfy the people’s ambition and realizing their personal aspiration represented in the right to live better.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The article pointed out that every state aims at raising the living of its people and providing good living opportunities and welfare through the society of increasing opportunities of investment, employing the savings, the ability to compete internally and externally, the thing which maximize the ability of the economy on achieving development and investment; thus providing more new job opportunities for the labor market, which shall increase from year to year, at gradually increasing wages, the thing which shall achieve an increase in the living level of the individual. So, the state shall have more income, as taxation and customs increase, this enable the state to spend on education, health, public utilities, and provide services. The Article referred that the strongest economies are less concentrated on the political approaches; i.e. it doesn’t take sides that have no echo in its economy. There are many examples here, the Swiss economy, Korean economy, Japanese economy Hong Kong economy.

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