Al-Masry Al-Youm Newspaper 2012/JANUARY /02
Here we are, saying farewell to a year in which so much cry raised, gatherings were different, many victories and defeats were registered and appeared on the stage men of championships and others of betrayals with different trend, content and an excess in names and characteristics. This is what Dr. Nader Riad referred to in his article of the title, ” Economy 2012 is between ambition and Frustration”, and he clarified that the loud of the noise of events and raise of cry has produced condensed vapour which veiled views and deaf ears, so less important matters have come to the surface setting aside matters which are more important asking where does the economic file lie in the consequence of priorities.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The article clarified the importance of the economic file which constitutes training, qualification, employment, limitation of unemployment and raise of living standard of producing labor force battalion, as well as the file of social responsibility of both industrial and productive sectors. The article emphasized that the only standard to measure how much is good the performance of the Egyptian government – whatever Egyptian government – coming soon lies basically in its economic performance indications in all its standards. This is the issue and the test as well, as economy is development maker in countries and strong economy is able solely to satisfy people’s ambition and accomplishment of its expectations. Dr. Nader Riad ended his article wishing that the year 2012 be a year where our home is tidied from inside as well as a year of priorities list set, which represents the national interest of the country, to surround it all and return better than we were, an industrial productive society which joins day by night to make for himself a rank on the world’s map economically and politically.