Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2012/FEBRUARY /26

The speech about Social Justice became more and more in consider that it is one of the keys of production machinery launch before different ranks in society where each one strives to earn his living, what transforms the society to a productive proactive energy on its different standards, so the article is exposed to such an axial issue by research and analysis ending at the idea that Social Justice is an up making of humans so that they care for it to improve their real fact and make up a better future for their generations since the productive people is the one which is more satisfied and pleasant. (Available in Arabic- German in PDF)
The article addressed the issue of Social Justice on its three standards that are, individuals responsibility, industrial and productive sector responsibility and at last the government’s responsibility towards such an issue.. on the individual standard, kind intentions that are witnessed for the Egyptian citizen aren’t sufficient for issue treatment and there should be integration with the role of the government in order not the wealthy becomes more wealthy and the poor poorer. On the industrial and productive standards, this sector despite its wideness, it never witnesses mentioned cases including render of employment or activity stop or reduction of the proved employees or adoption of a trend serves in reduction of their salaries despite the real crisis which let a great aspect of such a sector to enter the frame of assured loses. However, on the government standard, Social Justice starts and ends from its known axes, those are, subsidy of its citizens and poor in the form it sees ideal, let it be a just subsidy to be pumped at the start of the system in order that all people can benefit from as well as an equity in distribution of work vacancies on the extension of the geographic area of the government. The second axis which enters in the frame of government responsibility is its just distribution of the sources of national wealth and the capabilities of their development on the extension of the geographic region.

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