ِAl-Masry Al-Youm Newspaper 2012/DECEMBER /27
Al- Seyassah Elmasria Newspaper 2013/JANUARY /28
Dr. Nader Riad started his article on the occasion of the advent of the year 2012 by describing the previous year as the year of bristling, differences, registering victories and defeats, the appearance of the heroes and the lapses with the difference in orientation and content and the excessing in Titles and attributes. Dr. Nader Riad wondered about the absence of the economic file among the priorities of the year 2013 , even if this file includes training , rehabilitation , employment, reducing unemployment and raising the standard of living as well as the file of social responsibility which the industrial and production sector bear. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The article clarified that the economic work in light of democracy and the rule of law is different than describing the developing economy in the absence of democracy and the rule of law. The first element is accompanied by growing of rational factors such as transparency, export orientation and the increase in competitive ability, while in the second element; different factors are growing such as: monopoly, dominating people, staying away from international and free economies and entering into isolation and seclusion. Dr. Nader Riad ended his article, demanding that the year 2013 shall be the year of organizing the interior issues and setting a list of priorities which represent the national interest of the state which we all support in order to become a productive industrial society.