Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2013/FEBRUARY /01
Al-Masry Al-Youm Newspaper 2013/JANUARY /26
Has the Egyptian Economy entered in imminent risk circle?! Can the calculations of power struggle in the current and coming stage cause the fall of the highest goal so that it makes the priority for goals that are less valuable?! This and other questions would be answered in the article. The article warned against the real scene in which we live, announcing obviously that we pass by Economic Inflation, which is growing more and more, till its effect extends to reach the industrial cost getting it out of the frame, besides, its negative effect will extend to reach poor and moderate classes in form of increasing of goods and services prices.(Available in Arabic- German in PDF)
The article warned against the risk Egyptian economy pass by pointing that there is something we fear increasingly, that is the worst of economic aspect, i.e. forming of a phenomenon, namely, Stagnation. It’s known that Inflation meeting with recession results in a very risky phenomenon, known as Stagflation, always having destructive effects on economies of countries whether large or limited. The article clarified that Stagnation phenomenon known as economic slowdown, and in its serious form known as economic Stagnation meaning that markets suffer running rate slowdown in what is near from stagnation, that due to prices destruction where goods prices are changed many times a day and others including decline phenomena – as what happened in Argentina in the past – the matter that places any country inside declining economic rings circle where it’s hard with it to stop consequent economic decline. The Article called for the necessity for control over free currency prices, and its value against the Egyptian Pound, and working for returning Egypt to its position on world tourism map.