Al Youm El Sabe’a News paper 2013/APRIL /02

Dr. Nader Riad assured in his article that what the current stage witnesses, in respect of the real facts that we live in, indicates obviously that we pass by a stage of an economic Inflation which is increasingly growing. The article warned against the deterioration and missing needed control by formation of the phenomenon called economic Stagnation. The article emphasized the necessity of track towards priorities that are placed on top of economic activation tools to let the Egyptian economy get out of the bottle’s neck and it identified them in ten important recommendations.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The article focused on ten important recommendations which it is necessary to track towards activating them to let the Egyptian economy get out of the bottle’s neck: Completion of application of security regime in consider that it is one of the basic demands for the modern government – control over free currencies prices and its location far from the Egyptian pound in addition to providence of a period of stability to remain throughout it – protecting the Egyptian industry from the filling of exported goods as well as protection of Egypt’s gates from bad goods that are inapplicable to standards in order to Egypt not to become a receiver of garbage – Stressing control over the inspection of goods related to security and safety that are inapplicable to standards – The necessity to enhance Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality to complete Egyptian standardized specifications regime – Encouragement of banks to manage debts of some current industries to pass from the bottle’s neck – Returning Egypt to its rank on world touristic chart – Energy price settlement for industrial purposes inside the frame of international recognized values – The necessity to enhance small industries, a national strategic demand that should be adopted – Precise management of loans and grants that countries provide in the demanded competency in order not to waste available opportunities we are in an urgent need for in such a sensitive stage.

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