Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2014/FEBRUARY /17
ِAl-Masry Al-Youm Newspaper 2012/SEPTEMBER/11
Dr. Nader Riad discussed in two articles the principle of the social justice through its three levels; individuals’ responsibility, industrial and productive sector’s responsibility and state’s responsibility. The article stressed that our need of food depends on the continuity of hard work. The article referred that the slogan “Bread … Liberty.. Social justice “that the majority used to say ignored the two concepts of work and production.(Available in Arabic- German in PDF)
The article referred that the slogan which the demonstrators in Tahrir square took as a principle “bread … Liberty.. Social justice ignored the concepts of work and production as they are the major factors to provide food, and the basis to provide the decent life for the man power and the high- value through which distributive justice and social justice are achieved. Without work it is difficult to achieve this slogan in reality. The article demanded the government or any coming government to obligate the regulations that it enacted, particularly the minimum wage, as we do not have the luxury to reverse gear in the field of human resources.