The objective of the study is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI) and the General Federation for Chambers of Commerce (GFCC) by ensuring the provision of skilled and highly efficient cadres at the leading sites in a way that is effective on the local and international levels, thus having a positive impact on the development of Egyptian economy. Heads and deputy heads of the chambers at both the FEI and GFCC represent the bases for the activities of the two federations. They’re considered the real representatives of the respective federations on the local and international level. It is important that chambers’ heads and deputy heads be qualified and experienced to represent the Egyptian economy in an effective way.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The objective of the study is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI) and the General Federation for Chambers of Commerce (GFCC) by ensuring the provision of skilled and highly efficient cadres at the leading sites in a way that is effective on the local and international levels, thus having a positive impact on the development of Egyptian economy. Heads and deputy heads of the chambers at both the FEI and GFCC represent the bases for the activities of the two federations. They’re considered the real representatives of the respective federations on the local and international level. It is important that chambers’ heads and deputy heads be qualified and experienced to represent the Egyptian economy in an effective way. However, the current system of choosing leaders that preside over the Chambers of Commerce and Industry and other affiliated divisions does not often lead to choosing the best elements of a future prospect, leadership characteristics and specialist expertise that qualify them to develop these activities and express them at home and abroad.