The twenty articles making up the executive rules of law 141 for the year 20044, are meant to be a great help for the owners of the small and micro enterprises. From the most important among others are: -A steering Committee is to be established within the Social Fund for Development, for the developed of Small Enterprises. The committee is to be chaired by the chairman of the Social Fund – The committee is to convene on a periodic bimonthly basis, -Committee members are allowed to submit suggestions – Decisions are unanimous. ( Available in Arabic )
On June 2004, Substantial Suggestions to Consider Inserting Within the Executive Rule of Law Number 141 for the Year 2004 For the Activation of the Role of Small Enterprises in Developing Prepared &Submitted by Doctor Engineer / Nader Riad President of the Small And Medium Size Industries In the Federation of Egyptian Industries. This executive rule comprises twenty articles covering all that is required from small and micro enterprises so as to function within the limits of the law and to benefit from the opportunities legitimately offered by the Social Fund for Development.

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