The world is currently going through an industrial renaissance that has led to an increased use of energy, which depends on the use of thermal energy generated from oil, natural gas and coal. Because of this, large countries are threatened with the loss of control over energy sources which is the reason behind present conflicts over who controls areas that contain large amounts of reserve. The world is moving towards imposing taxes. The proceeds are allocated to an international fund, which in turn allocates the funds to various operations for generating heat producing energy. These taxes will be imposed on all countries without exception, impacting its people and establishments. This will increase the price of heat producing energy such as; internal combustion, diesel, and oil engines, which will affect cars, ships, airplanes, and of course traditional generators of power stations. One of the most remarkable points in this field is that data related to the establishment of solar energy is rapidly increasing from one year to the other to the extent that it amounted to 1,460 megawatt in 2005. Germany obtained unique annual growth in this field, making it the first amongst developed and developing countries. Germany gained 34% in 2005 which totaled 75% (837 megawatt hours) out of the total production of the international market in generating this type of energy. Japan came in second with 20% of the international market at the rate of 292 megawatt hour. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The world is currently going through an industrial renaissance that has led to an increased use of energy, which depends on the use of thermal energy generated from oil, natural gas and coal. Because of this, large countries are threatened with the loss of control over energy sources which is the reason behind present conflicts over who controls areas that contain large amounts of reserve. The world is moving towards imposing taxes. The proceeds are allocated to an international fund, which in turn allocates the funds to various operations for generating heat producing energy. These taxes will be imposed on all countries without exception, impacting its people and establishments. This will increase the price of heat producing energy such as; internal combustion, diesel, and oil engines, which will affect cars, ships, airplanes, and of course traditional generators of power stations. One of the most remarkable points in this field is that data related to the establishment of solar energy is rapidly increasing from one year to the other to the extent that it amounted to 1,460 megawatt in 2005. Germany obtained unique annual growth in this field, making it the first amongst developed and developing countries. Germany gained 34% in 2005 which totaled 75% (837 megawatt hours) out of the total production of the international market in generating this type of energy. Japan came in second with 20% of the international market at the rate of 292 megawatt hour. Germany is considered one of the few countries to be acknowledged for its success in administrating this file. It is an example to be followed by other countries, particularly after succeeding in what most other countries have failed to do. In doing so, it has assumed first place in terms of the current uses of solar energy, as this experience increased the production of photovoltaic energy. Germany produced 83 megawatt per hour in 2002 , which reached 837 megawatt per hour in 2005 after implementing new sources of energy. The German strategy was based on the need to overcome the great increase in the cost of establishment in comparison to other sources of energy, by providing a suitable and decreasing support to the energy produced. We must take into account that many countries resorted to subsidizing energy generated from fossil sources at a time when they do not intend to apply such subsidies in the field of solar energy.

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