Al-Ahram Al-Ektsady Magazine 1994/DECEMBER /12
Labor force is considered the elementary support to the Egyptian national economy. Therefore, organizing the labor force and properly using it in addition to enhancing its skills and capabilities would have the greatest impact in maximizing the Egyptian opportunity for using its national human wealth and raising the standard of living of its citizens.( Available in Arabic )
Labor force is considered the elementary support to the Egyptian national economy. Therefore, organizing the labor force and properly using it in addition to enhancing its skills and capabilities would have the greatest impact in maximizing the Egyptian opportunity for using its national human wealth and raising the standard of living of its citizens. Consequently, this growing volume of Egyptian human capital can represent a huge national wealth that would open great opportunities for development of business sector in Egypt, maximizing its investments and exports. Also the volume of unemployment can be reduced tangibly and continuously if this labor force is equipped, trained and assisted to enhance skills and capabilities by means of certain mechanisms that would lead to inducing tangible achievements on the short way and the mid-way. This can also help in establishing the foundations and systems of the future that would cope with the new age and the new models and requirements of production, administration and various transactions in today’s world.

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