Al-Ahram Al-Ektsady Magazine 2000/JULY /31
In 190 meetings during the seventh legislative session, the People’s Assembly (Parliament) Committee on Industry and Energy discussed subjects on the Egyptian industrial and technological renaissance, electricity projects, transportation, oil and mineral wealth. It also discussed the ministerial programs, the plan and budget projects, and reports made by the Central Auditing Organization. In addition, the committee made several field visits to a number of industrial zones, oil fields and electricity and energy stations nationwide to assess their performance. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
In 190 meetings during the seventh legislative session, the People’s Assembly (Parliament) Committee on Industry and Energy discussed subjects on the Egyptian industrial and technological renaissance, electricity projects, transportation, oil and mineral wealth. It also discussed the President’s statements delivered at the outset of the current parliamentary session, the Prime Minister’s statements on the ministerial programs, the plan and budget projects, along with reports made by the Central Auditing Organization. The committee has made some recommendations and suggestions that have been approved and implemented by the government. It also made several field visits to a number of industrial zones, oil fields and electricity and energy stations nationwide to assess their performance.

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