Al-Raay Newspaper 2007/JUNE /04
Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2007/JUNE /02
Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2007/MAY /19

This article demonstrates the economic study prepared by Dr. Nadir Riad, Head of Confederation of Egyptian-European Business Associations, revealing the strategic importance as well as the benefits that would be obtained if Egypt were to join the countries currently using and developing clean renewable energy. It states that the thermal emitting energies like oil and fossil energy sources threaten both the developed and developing countries. They are to be substituted with clean ones, like solar and wind energy. The rising costs of oil energy and the environmental harms resulting from using thermal-emitting energy are among the main reasons for the change. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )

Dr. Nadir Riad, Head of Confederation of Egyptian-European Business Associations & Chairman of Research, Development & Technology Transfer Committee at the Federation of Egyptian Industries, has prepared an economic study revealing the strategic importance as well as the benefits Egypt would gain once if it joined the countries pronouncing the use of clean energy. Dr. Riad’s proposals also include the thermal-emitting energies like oil and fossil energy sources which threaten both developed and developing countries. He states that these energy sources should besubstituted with clean energies such as solar and wind energy, especially with the rising costs of oil energy and the environmental harms resulting from using thermal-emitting energy. The boom in solar energy market, as Riad suggest, will eventually lead to reducing the soaring of oil and coal prices. This will be reinforced, especially, by unfolding of new investment horizons in solar energy. The study also sheds light on the types of clean and renewable energy and the obstacles hindering the use of them as well as Egypt’s stance regarding this issue. Positive attributes concerning Egypt and the development of renewable energy include: • Relative advantages for Egypt, concerning its distinguished geographical position and its clear sky (4000 hours per year); • Relatively high photo energy reaching Egypt (thrice the European criterion per year) • Availability of the two major factors for producing pure silicone, namely: – Large resources of high-quality quartz with few flaws – Surplus of electric energy at affordable costs And finally, the article refers to the European/German willingness to contribute to the costs of generating power from solar energy.

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